Author: CaravanVlogger

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  • Img 0517

    Part One Touring France in a Caravan – Calais To Camping le Chateau de Leychoisier

    I say part one, there should of course be a part zero. I mean how did we get to Calais in the first place, I hear you whisper. Well, that’s for another post, this one is about how we got to our first stop just north of Limoges. I’ll start with the ferry arrival which…

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  • Cv Logo Tc

    Caravanning Things I Dont Like

    Introduction So this is a page where I just moan about all the things I dislike about caravanning. We love our caravan and love going away in it and 99.99% of the time we have a great time and enjoy it more than we can express. However…There are times when, let’s face it, other human…

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  • Site Review Brighton (1)

    Brighton Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Review

    Brighton Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Review Welcome to Caravan Vlogger’s Brighton Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Review. We’ve been to Brighton a lot. It’s almost like coming home when we go there. We like to have a site we are familiar with, we know exactly what we’re getting. Don’t get me wrong we also…

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  • Glc Towing Sterling Eccles

    Tow Car Review – Mercedes GLC 350D Premium Plus

    Tow Car Review – Mercedes GLC 350D Premium Plus Tow Car: GLC 350d (ABC, factory fitted TowBar) Kerb-weight 1890Kg Caravan: 2011 Sterling Eccles Ruby Maximum Technical Permissible Laden Mass MTPLM – 1600kg The weight of the car compared with the weight of the caravan gives 84% match. It seems best advice is to keep it…

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  • Rookesbury Park View 1 Small

    How Many Caravans In UK (And Other Interesting Stats)

    How Many Caravans In UK So, how many caravans are their in the UK? Anyone interested in caravanning will know it’s a popular pastime. You’ll know this if during the week in the summer you check the weather and the forecast is good, you have a check around and you’ll soon realise that booking a…

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  • Eurom Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning For A Caravan Eurom AC2401

    Air Conditioning for a Caravan Air conditioning for a caravan is a luxury. You don’t really need an Air Conditioning for a Caravan if holidaying in the UK. It would be like a caravan owner in Saudi Arabia getting Alde heating fitted, wouldn’t it? (BTW I did google the worlds most hottest countries to come up…

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  • Caravan Flag Pole

    Caravan Site Flag Poles, Lights and Drones

    We’ve been caravanning since 2006, I just mention that because it means I officially know everything there is to know. I’m joking of course. However, on our many trips we’ve always been interested in the things people bring with them in their caravan. Sometimes I’ve watched and wondered where on Earth some people store all…

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  • Al Ko Secure Wheel Lock

    How to Fit Alko Secure Wheel Lock to a Twin Axle Caravan

    Watch me huff and puff in a handy video for anyone who needs to fit two Al-Ko Secure wheels locks to a twin axle caravan.

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  • Alde Heating Gurgling Noise

    Alde Heating Gurgling Noise

    Have you had a Alde Heating Gurgling Noise coming from your wardrobe? When we collected our newest caravan we were lucky enough to have Alde heating preinstalled. We spent our first night in the caravan and it was a cold night, so were obviously keen to know exactly how good Alde Heating is. For those…

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  • Metal Awning Peg Boxes Small

    Caravan Awning Pegs Reviewed

    Caravan Awning Pegs Click here to view our full range of caravan awning pegs in our Amazon Shop This weekend I have treated myself to some new Awning Pegs. We use the caravan all year round and most of the time find ourselves on hardstanding. Hardstanding pitches require a certain type of peg and your…

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  • Stacka Feet Single Review

    Milenco Stacka Corner Steady Feet Review

    Milenco Stacka Corner Steady Feet Review AKA Camel’s Feet. I fitted the Milenco Stacka Corner Steady Feet recently to my caravan, but didn’t have my camera with me so didn’t take any shots. What kind of a vlogger am I? Don’t answer that. I’d previously had some bright yellow one’s which were fitted with a plastic…

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  • Kampa Awning

    Kampa Air Pro 400 Awning Review

    Kampa Air Pro 400 Awning Review Again, sorry, just a place holder, but review coming soon, once we’ve had the chance to take a few of our own photos…

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  • Kampa Gale Awning Pump

    Kampa Gale 12 Volt Awning Pump

    Kampa Gale 12 Volt Awning Pump We have an air awning and have for some time been using the hand pump that you get with the awning itself. This has an advantage in that you can’t over fill the awning with air as it’s designed that it won’t deliver that much pressure. It’s not overly…

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  • Caravanvlogger Youtube

    Caravan Vlogger YouTube Channel

    Caravan Vlogger YouTube Channel Comedy is at the heart of everything I do. Yes, I’m one of those annoying people that thinks he’s funny. I don’t think I’m funny, and sometimes I say something without any intention of being funny, and people laugh. That’s not the same thing as thinking I’m funny… I will do…

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  • Camels Feet

    Top 10 Must Have Caravan Accessories

    Before we get onto caravan accessories, do these “top ten lists” annoy you as well? I see these lists all the time on the internet. Why just a quick google search now of top 10s gives me : Top 10 most dangerous world records Top 10 most dangerous internet challenges You get the idea I’m…

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  • New Bailey Unicorn

    New Caravan Collection Part Two

    No doubt the photo here is a bit of a spoiler alert. In the last post we had been informed our car was fixed and I’d gone to pick it up. Once collected, which is a story in it’s own right, we hooked up our 2011 Sterling Eccles Ruby that we’d had for three years…

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  • Glc Towing Sterling Eccles

    New Caravan Collection Part One

    Today is the day that we are picking up our new caravan. However, things haven’t been easy, in fact they’ve been quite stressful. By the way, I’m fully aware these are “first world” problems, however, in my world, they’re big issues.. Our tow car developed a fault, some warning light appeared regarding the suspension, that’s…

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